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Is vaping without nicotine harmful?

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It's usually harmful. Even though e-cigarettes do not contain nicotine, they can still cause potentially life-threatening damage to lung function and increase the risk of asthma in offspring. Asthma cannot be cured, and an asthma attack can be life-threatening if not well controlled.

Vape use during pregnancy may cause lung function damage and increase the risk of neonatal asthma. The harmful effect of e-cigarettes is to affect cellular respiration by damaging mitochondrial function. Therefore, even though it is nicotine-free e-cigarettes, it can also have a negative impact on cellular function.

Electronic cigarettes mainly use the power supply and control unit to jointly heat and atomize the smoke liquid, and then form smoke and inhalable aerosol to satisfy the user's smoking experience.

The use of e-cigarettes by children, adolescents and pregnant women may have long-term effects on brain development. Chronic inhalation of toxic substances in vape will affect health, and have varying degrees of damage to the human respiratory system, digestive system, and nervous system damage.

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